Perimenopause, Your Guide to Thrive

vitality graphic

Join us for this one day workshop with multiple healing practitioners, all answering the question:

How can we set ourselves up to thrive after menopause?

Explore the Ancient Wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda, Pelvic Floor Health,
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and other options.

September 2024, full details coming soon!

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Dr. Unlu, DAc. is available for private events.

Contact us to check availability & discover how we can enhance your event.

maui acupuncturist and herbalist, Dr. Sesame Unlu DAc

Past Private & Corporate Wellness Events

  • Women’s Wellness Retreat 2017
  • Understanding the Meridians Workshop 2016
  • Island Partners Hawai’i, Corporate Team Building Event 2015
  • Annual Postmaster Convention 2014

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Begin the Path to Healthy Aging & Whole Body Wellness​ Today