Basal Body Temperature to Track Fertility
Charting your basal body temperature is an inexpensive and effective way to monitor your hormone levels, ovulation, and fertility. Basal body temperature (BBT) is your resting temperature taken when you first wake up in the morning, before getting out of bed. It’s important to take your temperature as close as possible to the same time every morning. There are many apps available that make it easy to store the information and share with your acupuncturist. If you’re already tracking your menstrual cycle you may be able to track your BBT in the same app.
Dr. Sesame Unlu, acupuncturist and herbalist at Maui Health & Wellness, specializes in acupuncture and herbal medicine for fertility. From a Chinese Medicine perspective, observing the pattern of temperature shifts is an important diagnostic tool, indicating the state of qi (energy), blood, yin, and yang in the body.